Things Your Teachers Didn’t Tell You

Things Your Teachers Didn’t Tell You

Updated August 2, 2023

You may or may not know this, but Emily and I are both ex-teachers. We both appreciate our time we spent as teachers and no one is saying we wouldn’t do it again…However, we’re still going to break teacher code and tell you a few things teachers normally don’t tell you.

  1. Going to the local community college really isn’t that great. You need to leave.

  1. Geography is way cooler when you live it--that’s why we travel.

  1. Facebook was created for our generation, so no, it’s not weird that we have Facebook accounts, it’s weird that you do.

  1. We blog about the whiners.

  1. We also blog about the know-it-alls.

6. Some of us were just like you.

  1. Occasionally, we appreciate your snarkiness. Occasionally.

8. We daydream too. Usually about going on vacation.

9.We play drinking games. A beer pong champion may be grading your papers.

  1. A lot of us are cooler than you think. Probably cooler than you.

11. Traveling during summer vacation is what keeps us sane for 9 months of school.

  1. History and geography do not begin and end with Western Europe.

  1. There is a high probability that you will not use that math formula ever again.

14. Where you were born does not make you better than anyone else.

  1. Credit cards are bad. Student loans are bad. Debt severely limits your ability to travel.

16.No amount of reading about something can replace experience.

  1. Applebee’s isn’t really food. Neither is anything that you didn’t get from the outside edges of the grocery store (that’s where you find the produce, meat, and dairy).

  1. Being American doesn’t make you right. Neither does being 17.

  1. You are more than a number. Go against the grain as often as you can.

20. There is such a thing as a stupid question.